Sunday, July 18, 2010

1 Month

I thought it might be fun to do what I've seen on several blogs before mine. Document the length and growth by month. Not sure if I'll remember each month, but I'll do it when I remember to! So, it's my first month. Still haven't washed it, per my consultant. Right before my first re-tightening I'll wash it using the sisterlocks shampoo. I wrap it every night. Occasionally, I'll put a headband or headwrap in my hair. But for the most part, I've left it alone. It's so great taking worrying about my hair off my stress list. Even the grid, which lasted, oh, like two days, is gone. My hair is so incredibly thick. I enjoyed my relaxed hair, but it only stayed completely straight for about a week or so before getting "puffy". Twists were frustrating because they only lasted about two weeks and then, with my thick mane, I'd be back again for another 2 1/2 hours of twisting. Braids were great...if I had 10 hours to kill on any given day. (Which I don't.) And my husband never quite took to weaves or wigs. Honestly, this style has been a Godsend. Finally, my incredibly thick, tightly-coiled hair isn't a burden I have to deal with on a regular basis. I'm leaving it alone and loving it. I've heard people complain about spending $70-$100 every month or so to have their hair retightened, but I lived that anyway. Although I admire sistahs who are willing to do it themselves. More power to you. But as long as this sistah has a job, I can't even wrap my thoughts around doing it myself. I haven't counted how many locks I have. I'm going to do that when I wash it and I'm forced to band and braid anyhow. Let's just say I started to count and got to 100 and I only had barely the thickness of a banana in my hand. I was about an 1/8 into my head.


  1. Lovely, lovely. I totally hear you on the retightening comment. In the beginning of my journey I would not even attempt to do my own retightenings. I do them now but can always go to my consultant as a treat. I would suggest this to you though unless your consultant says differently which is washing your locs more frequent is good. Locs love water and the starter shampoo is good for assisting the process of locing. I wish you well on your journey.

  2. Hi Lalaboobaby,

    So glad to hear from you! I may ask again about the washing. She thought if I could hold out until my first re-tightening it would be better. So far, my scalp isn't itching or anything. I have a distilled water spritz bottle that I do occasionally. :)
