Saturday, October 29, 2011

You know you're fat when you can't even get in your "fat clothes"

I know this is a digression from the oh so exciting "how's my hair doing" banter. But it's just on my mind so, there you go. I accepted the new job in Chicago. With that, as I had been working from home for six years, I didn't have much of a wardrobe. So, I bit the bullet and went shopping. To my dismay, wearing sweats and stretch pants for so long had made me less conscious of my weight. I had gained a dress size and I couldn't even pull off the smaller size. So, I took a big gulp and just purchased a bunch of clothes one size up. Now those don't fit and I can't even fake it. I've gained an additional ten pounds from just the stress of the move, eating poorly, and avoiding clothes with buttons. Now, I can only fit into my sweater dresses and expandable waistband clothes. With that said reality, I went back to gym. But what I didn't expect was how much the extra weight made working out so much harder. It could be my age too. Usually, if I've fallen off the workout bandwagon, I can get back on fairly easily. But then again, I never had rolls of fat around my waist like I do now. The elliptical, something I could do regularly last year, was so challenging I had to get off. The only thing I seem to be able to do with some regularity is walk. I am foolishly going to try to do tae bo. Mainly because I've always loved it. If, for some reason, that proves too challenging, I know I've stepped into unchartered territory with my weight and it will be a real struggle to lose it.

Just had to share...not sure why, though.


  1. I know what you mean about it being harder to get back on the wagon but know this, if you keep it up you will reap the benefits.

  2. Don't feel too bad about it Shari. I go thru the same thing. I don't even have a scale. I gage how much I weigh by how my clothes fit. Some things I just bought last year are tight-and I know they didn't shrink in the dryer!

  3. Oh, and your hair looks awesome!!!! I hope you find a consultant that will charge you less and does good work. Too bad you aren't in the DFW area!

  4. Thanks, Leah! I found someone who is a lot less. I think I was duped. You live and learn, I guess.
